Data Iterators

We hinted a few times before that we differentiate between two kinds of data sources, namely data containers and data iterators. We also briefly mentioned that a data source can either be one, both, or neither of the two. So far, though, we solely focused on data containers, and a special kind of data container / data iterator hybrid that we called data views. If we free ourselves from the notion that a data source has to know how many observations it can provide, or that it has to understand the concept of “accessing a specific observation”, it opens up a lot of new functionality that would otherwise be infeasible.

In this document we will finally introduce those types of data iterators, that do not make any other guarantees than what the name implies: iteration. As such, they may not know how many observation they can provide, or even understand what an observation-index should be. One could ask what we could possibly gain with such a type over the already introduced - and seemingly more knowledgeable - data views. The answer is: They address different problems. A very common and illustrative task, that these data iterators are uniquely suited for, is continuous random sampling from a data container.

Randomly sample Observations

We previously introduced a type called ObsView, which we showed can be used to convert any data container to a data iterator. As such, it makes it possible to, well, iterate over the data container one observation at a time. Additionally, an ObsView also behaves like a vector, in that it allows to use getindex to query a specific observation. By combining ObsView with shuffleobs(), we were also able to iterate over all the observations from a data container in a random order.

A different approach to iterating over a data container one observation after another, is to continuously sample a single observation from it. Per definition that means that the process of determining the “next” observation is random. Thus, indexing a specific observation of that iterator is ill defined. Therefore data iterators in general only guarantee that they can be used as a Julia iterator; every additional functionality is optional. One such type data iterator that this package provides is called RandomObs.

RandomObs <: ObsIterator

A decorator type that transforms a data containers into a data iterator. Each iteration produces a randomly sampled observation from the given data container (with replacement).

Note that each iteration returns the result of a datasubset(), which means that any data movement is delayed until getobs() is called.

RandomObs(data[, count][, obsdim]) → RandomObs

Create an iterator that generates count randomly sampled observations from the given data container. In the case count is not provided, it will generate random samples indefinitely.

  • data – The object representing a data container.
  • count (Integer) –

    Optional. The number of randomly sampled observations that the iterator will generate before stopping. If omitted, the iterator will generate randomly sampled batches forever.

  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.

Consider the following toy data vector x that has 5 observations. We will use simple values to make it easy to see where each observation ends up.

julia> x = collect(1.0:5)
5-element Array{Float64,1}:

Because x is a Vector it is considered a data container. Thus we can pass it to RandomObs(). If we specify a count (i.e. limit the number of samples to generate), we can use collect on it.

julia> iter = RandomObs(x, count = 10)
RandomObs(::Array{Float64,1}, 10, ObsDim.Last())
 Iterator providing 10 observations

julia> xnew = collect(iter)
10-element Array{SubArray{Float64,0,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Int64},false},1}:

julia> xnew[1]
0-dimensional SubArray{Float64,0,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Int64},false}:

Notice two things in the code above.

  • The observations from x are sampled randomly with replacement. That means the same observation can occur in xnew once, multiple times, or not at all.
  • Each sampled observation is actually a lazy subset (i.e. a SubArray) into the original data container x. To get the underlying data you need to use getobs() on the result.

The constructor parameter count is optional and can be omitted. If that is the case, then the resulting iterator will continue to sample random observations forever, or until interrupted.

julia> iter = RandomObs(x)
RandomObs(::Array{Float64,1}, ObsDim.Last())
 Iterator providing Inf observations

julia> collect(iter) # can't collect infinite iterator
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching _collect(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::MLDataPattern.RandomObs{SubArray{Float64,0,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Int64},false},Array{Float64,1},LearnBase.ObsDim.Last,Base.IsInfinite}, ::Base.HasEltype, ::Base.IsInfinite)

julia> collect(take(iter, 5))
5-element Array{SubArray{Float64,0,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Int64},false},1}:

Similar to an ObsView, it is also possible to use a Tuple to group data containers together on a per-observation level. This will cause each iteration to return a Tuple of equal length and ordering.

julia> y = [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e];

julia> iter = RandomObs((x, y), count = 5)
RandomObs(::Tuple{Array{Float64,1},Array{Symbol,1}}, 5, (ObsDim.Last(),ObsDim.Last()))
 Iterator providing 5 observations

julia> collect(iter)
5-element Array{Tuple{SubArray{Float64,0,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Int64},false},SubArray{Symbol,0,Array{Symbol,1},Tuple{Int64},false}},1}:

In case of skewed class distributions we offer an alternative iterator called BalancedObs, which samples from each label uniformly.

julia> y = [:a, :a, :a, :a, :a, :a, :a, :a, :b, :b];

julia> iter = BalancedObs((1:10, y), count = 6)
BalancedObs(::Tuple{UnitRange{Int64},Array{Symbol,1}}, 6, (ObsDim.Last(), ObsDim.Last()))
 Iterator providing 6 observations

julia> collect(iter)
6-element Array{Tuple{SubArray{Int64,0,UnitRange{Int64},Tuple{Int64},false},SubArray{Symbol,0,Array{Symbol,1},Tuple{Int64},false}},1}:
 (10, :b)
 (4, :a)
 (9, :b)
 (7, :a)
 (8, :a)
 (9, :b)

Randomly sample Mini-Batches

Similarly to BatchView, an object of type RandomBatches can be used as an iterator that produces a mini-batch of fixed size in each iteration. In contrast to BatchView, however, RandomBatches generates completely random mini-batches, in which the containing observations are generally not adjacent to each other in the original dataset.

RandomBatches <: BatchIterator

A decorator type that transforms a data container into a data iterator, that on each iteration returns a batch of fixed size containing randomly sampled observation from the given data container (with replacement).

Each iteration returns the result of calling datasubset(), which means that any data movement is delayed until getobs() is called.

RandomBatches(data[, size][, count][, obsdim]) → RandomBatches

Create an iterator that generates count randomly sampled batches from the given data container using a batch-size of size. In the case count is not provided, it will generate random batches indefinitely.

  • data – The object representing a data container.
  • size (Integer) –

    Optional. The batch-size of each batch. I.e. the number of randomly sampled observations in each batch.

  • count (Integer) –

    Optional. The number of randomly sampled batches that the iterator will generate before stopping. If omitted, the iterator will generate randomly sampled observations forever.

  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.

Consider our simple toy data vector x again, that we used before to motivate RandomObs.

julia> x = collect(1.0:5)
5-element Array{Float64,1}:

Because x is considered a data container, it can be used to produce random batches with RandomBatches. We can use the parameter size to specify how many observations each mini-batch should contain. If we also specify a count (i.e. limit the number of mini-batches to generate), we can use collect on the result.

julia> iter = RandomBatches(x, size = 3, count = 10)
RandomBatches(::Array{Float64,1}, 3, 10, ObsDim.Last())
 Iterator providing 10 batches of size 3

julia> collect(iter)
10-element Array{SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false},1}:

The constructor parameter count is optional and can be omitted. If that is the case, then the resulting iterator will continue to sample random mini-batches forever, or until interrupted.

julia> iter = RandomBatches(x, size = 3)
RandomBatches(::Array{Float64,1}, 3, ObsDim.Last())
 Iterator providing Inf batches of size 3

julia> collect(iter) # can't collect infinite iterator
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching _collect(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::MLDataPattern.RandomBatches{SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false},Array{Float64,1},LearnBase.ObsDim.Last,Base.IsInfinite}, ::Base.HasEltype, ::Base.IsInfinite)

julia> collect(take(iter, 5))
5-element Array{SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false},1}:

Because the utilized data container x is a vector, each mini-batch is a one-dimensional SubArray (i.e. a lazy subset into x). The type of each mini-batch depends on the given data container. For example if we instead use a feature matrix X, each mini-batch would be a two-dimensional SubArray.

julia> X = rand(2, 5)
2×5 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.226582  0.933372  0.505208   0.0443222  0.812814
 0.504629  0.522172  0.0997825  0.722906   0.245457

julia> iter = RandomBatches(X, size = 3, count = 10)
RandomBatches(::Array{Float64,2}, 3, 10, ObsDim.Last())
 Iterator providing 10 batches of size 3

julia> collect(iter)
10-element Array{SubArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Array{Int64,1}},false},1}:
 [0.226582 0.933372 0.933372; 0.504629 0.522172 0.522172]
 [0.812814 0.933372 0.505208; 0.245457 0.522172 0.0997825]
 [0.933372 0.226582 0.933372; 0.522172 0.504629 0.522172]
 [0.812814 0.0443222 0.226582; 0.245457 0.722906 0.504629]
 [0.933372 0.0443222 0.812814; 0.522172 0.722906 0.245457]
 [0.812814 0.933372 0.0443222; 0.245457 0.522172 0.722906]
 [0.226582 0.933372 0.226582; 0.504629 0.522172 0.504629]
 [0.0443222 0.812814 0.505208; 0.722906 0.245457 0.0997825]
 [0.226582 0.812814 0.812814; 0.504629 0.245457 0.245457]
 [0.812814 0.812814 0.0443222; 0.245457 0.245457 0.722906]

It is also possible to link multiple different data containers together on an per-observation level. This way they can be sampled from as one coherent unit. To do that, simply put all the relevant data container into a single Tuple, before passing it to RandomBatches(). This will cause each iteration to return a Tuple of equal length and ordering.

julia> y = [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e];

julia> iter = RandomBatches((x, y), size = 3, count = 5)
RandomBatches(::Tuple{Array{Float64,1},Array{Symbol,1}}, 3, 5, (ObsDim.Last(),ObsDim.Last()))
 Iterator providing 5 batches of size 3

julia> collect(iter)
5-element Array{Tuple{SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false},SubArray{Symbol,1,Array{Symbol,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false}},1}:

The fact that the observations within each mini-batch are randomly sampled has an important consequences. Because observations are sampled with replacement, it is likely that some observation(s) occur multiple times within the same mini-batch. This may or may not be an issue, depending on the use-case. In the presence of online data-augmentation strategies, this fact should usually not have any noticeable impact.

The BufferGetObs Type

You may have noticed that all the data iterators and data views, RandomObs, RandomBatches, ObsView, and BatchView, return a lazy data subset for every iteration. This is useful in general, because it avoids data access and memory allocation until the user makes a conscious decision to do so by calling getobs(). That said, in many use cases it would be convenient if we could tell a data iterator (or data view) to return the actual data in each iteration, instead of a lazy subset. To that end, this package provides a special iterator decorator that is itself an iterator (just “iterator”; it is not a “data iterator”) called BufferGetObs.

class BufferGetObs

A stateful iterator that decorates an inner iterator. When iterated over the type stores the output of next(iterator,state) into a buffer using getobs!(buffer, ...). Depending on the type of data provided by iterator this may be more memory efficient than getobs(...). In the case of array data, for example, this allows for cache-efficient processing of each element without allocating a temporary array.

Note that not all types of data support buffering, because it is the developers’s choice to opt-in and implement a custom getobs!(). For those types that do not provide a custom getobs!(), the buffer will be ignored and the result of getobs(...) returned.

BufferGetObs(iterator[, buffer]) → BufferGetObs
  • iterator – Some type that implements the iterator pattern, and for which every generated element supports getobs()
  • buffer – Optional. If the elements of iterator support getobs!(), then this buffer is used as temporary storage on every iteration. Defaults to the result of getobs() on the first element of iterator.

Let us take a look at an example where BufferGetObs shines. Consider the following toy feature matrix X that contains 5 observation with 3 features each. Notice how in this example each row denotes a single observation.

julia> X = rand(5, 3)
5×3 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.226582  0.0997825  0.11202
 0.504629  0.0443222  0.000341996
 0.933372  0.722906   0.380001
 0.522172  0.812814   0.505277
 0.505208  0.245457   0.841177

Given that arrays in Julia are in column-major order, the features of each observations are not a continuous block of memory. This fact by itself need not be an issue. For example, if we would want to iterate over the data container one observation at a time, we could still use obsview() without noticing any obvious differences.

julia> ov = obsview(X, obsdim = 1)
5-element obsview(::Array{Float64,2}, ObsDim.Constant{1}()) with element type SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Int64,Colon},true}:

julia> ov[2] # access second observation
3-element SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Int64,Colon},true}:

On the other hand, if need to interact with some C library, which requires us to pass to it a proper continuous array, then we can’t just use this SubArray as it is. Luckily, we could just use getobs() on each subset and pass the resulting Array to the C library.

for xv in obsview(X, obsdim = 1)
    x = getobs(xv)
    # pass x to some c library

The remaining annoyance with the above code is that it allocates temporary memory on each iteration. In a performance critical inner loop this is undesired and could have a significant influence on the performance. To avoid that problem, we can preallocate a buffer and reuse it in every iteration with getobs!().

x = Vector{Float64}(3)
for xv in obsview(X, obsdim = 1)
    getobs!(x, xv)
    # pass x to some c library

This should give us pretty good performance. This pattern is so common, however, that this package provides a convenience implementation for it, namely BufferGetObs.

for x in BufferGetObs(obsview(X, obsdim = 1), Vector{Float64}(3))
    # pass x to some c library

The nice thing about using BufferGetObs is that it doesn’t even require us to manually provide a preallocated buffer. If omitted, BufferGetObs simply reuses the result of getobs() from the first element.

for x in BufferGetObs(obsview(X, obsdim = 1))
    # pass x to some c library

Furthermore, because it is so common to use BufferGetObs in combination with either ObsView or BatchView, we provide convenience functions for both. More concretely, the functions eachobs() and eachbatch() simply translate to BufferGetObs(ObsView(...)) and BufferGetObs(BatchView(...)) respectively.

eachobs(data[, obsdim]) → BufferGetObs

Iterate over data one observation at a time using ObsView. In contrast to ObsView, each iteration returns the result of getobs() (i.e. actual data). If supported by the type of data, a buffer will be preallocated and reused every iteration for memory efficiency.

  • data – The object representing a data container.
  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.


The result of BufferGetObs(ObsView(data, obsdim))

eachbatch(data[, size][, count][, obsdim]) → BufferGetObs

Iterate over data one batch at a time using BatchView. In contrast to BatchView, each iteration returns the result of getobs() (i.e. actual data). If supported by the type of data, a buffer will be preallocated and reused for memory efficiency.

The (constant) batch-size can be either provided directly using size or indirectly using count, which derives the size based on nobs(). In the case that the size of the data is not dividable by the specified (or inferred) size, the remaining observations will be ignored.

  • data – The object representing a data container.
  • size (Integer) – Optional. The number of observations in each batch.
  • count (Integer) –

    Optional. The number of batches that should be used. This will also we the length of the return value.

  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.


The result of BufferGetObs(BatchView(data, size, count, obsdim))