Labeled Data Container

Depending on the domain-specific problem and the data one is working with, a data source may or may not contain what is known as targets. A target (singular) is a piece of information about a single observation that represents the desired output (or correct answer) for that specific observation. If targets are involved, then we find ourselves in the realm of supervised learning. This includes both, classification (predicting categorical output) and regression (predicting real-valued output).

Dealing with targets in a generic way was quite a design challenge for us. There are a lot of aspects to consider and issues to address in order to achieve an extensible and flexible package architecture, that can deal with labeled- and unlabeled data sources equally well.

  • Some data container may not contain any targets or even understand what targets are.
  • There are labeled data sources that are not considered Data Container (like many data iterators). A flexible package design needs a reasonably consistent API for both cases.
  • The targets can be in a different data container than the features. For example it is quite common to store the features in a matrix \(X\), while the corresponding targets are stored in a separate vector \(\vec{y}\).
  • For some data container, the targets are an intrinsic part of the observations. Furthermore, it might be the case that every data set has its own convention concerning which part of an observation represents the target. An example for such a data container is a DataFrame where one column denotes the target. The name/index of the target-column depends on the concrete data set, and is in general different for each DataFrame. In other words, this means that for some data containers, the type itself does not know how to access a target. Instead it has to be a user decision.
  • There are scenarios, where a data container just serves as an interface to some remote data set, or a big data set that is stored on the disk. If so, it is likely the case, that the targets are not part of the observations, but instead part of the data container metadata. An example would be a data container that represents a nested directory of images in the file system. Each sub-directory would then contain all the images of a single class. In that scenario, the targets are known from the directory names and could be part of some metadata. As such, it would be far more efficient if the data container can make use of this information, instead of having to load an actual image from the disk just to access its target. Remember that targets are not only needed during training itself, but also for data partitioning and resampling.

The implemented target logic is in some ways a bit more complex than the getobs() logic. The main reason for this is that while getobs() is solely designed for data containers, we want the target logic to seamlessly support a wide variety of data sources and data scenarios. In this document, however, we will only focus on data sources that are considered labeled Data Container. Note that in the context of this package, a labeled data container is a data container that contains targets; be it categorical or continuous.

Query Target(s)

The first question one may ask is: “Why would the access pattern need to extract the targets out of some data container?”. After all, it would be simpler to just pass the targets as an additional parameter to any function that needs them. In fact, that is pretty much how almost all other ML frameworks handle labeled data. The reason why we diverge from this tradition is two-fold.

  1. The set of access pattern that work on labeled data is really just a superset of the set of access pattern that work on unlabeled data. So by doing it our way, we avoid duplicate code.
  2. The second (and more important) reason is that we decided that there is really no convincing argument for restricting the user input to either be in the form of one variable (unlabeled data), or two variables (for labeled data). In fact, we wanted to allow the same variable to contain the features as well as targets. We also wanted to allow users to work with mutliple data sources that don’t contain any targets at all.

To that end we provide the function targets(). It can be used to query all the, well, targets of some given labeled data container or data subset.

targets(data[, obsdim])

Query the concrete targets from data and return them.

This function is eager in the sense that it will always call getobs() unless a custom method for LearnBase.gettargets (see later) is implemented for the type of data. This will make sure that actual values are returned (in contrast to placeholders such as DataSubset or SubArray).

In other words, the returned values must be in the form intended to be passed as-is to some resampling strategy or learning algorithm.

  • data – The object representing a labeled data container.
  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.

In some cases we will see that invoking targets() just seems to return the given data container unchanged. The reason for this is simple. What targets() tries to do is return the portion of the given data container that corresponds to the targets. The function assumes that there must be targets of some sorts (otherwise, why would you call a function called “targets”?). If there is no decision to be made (e.g. there is only a single vector to begin with), then the function simply returns the result of getobs() for the given data.

julia> targets([1,2,3,4])
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

The above edge-case isn’t really that informative for the main functionality that targets() provides. The more interesting behaviour can be seen for custom types and/or tuples. More specifically, if the given data is a Tuple, then the convention is that the last element of the tuple contains the targets and the function is recursed once (and only once).

julia> targets(([1,2], [3,4]))
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> targets(([1,2], ([3,4], [5,6])))

What this shows us is that we can use tuples to create a labeled data container out of two simple data containers. This is particularly useful when working with arrays. Considering the following situation, where we have a feature matrix X and a corresponding target vector y.

julia> X = rand(2, 5)
2×5 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.987618  0.365172  0.306373  0.540434  0.805117
 0.801862  0.469959  0.704691  0.405842  0.014829

julia> y = [:a, :a, :b, :a, :b]
5-element Array{Symbol,1}:

julia> targets((X, y))
5-element Array{Symbol,1}:

You may have noticed from the signature of targets(), that there is no parameter for passing indices. This is no accident. The purpose of targets() is not subsetting, it is to extract the targets; no more, no less. If you wish to only query the targets of a subset of some data container, you can use targets() in combination with datasubset().

julia> targets(datasubset((X, y), 2:3))
2-element Array{Symbol,1}:

If the type of the data itself is not sufficient information to be able to extract the targets, one can specify a target-extraction-function fun that is to be applied to each observation. This function must be passed as the first parameter to targets().

targets(fun, data[, obsdim]) → Vector

Extract the concrete targets from the observations in data by applying fun on each observation individually. The extracted targets are returned as a Vector, which preserves the order of the observations from data.

  • fun

    A callable object (usually a function) that should be applied to each observation individually in order to extract or compute the target for that observation.

  • data – The object representing a labeled data container.
  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.

A great example for a data source, that stores the features and the targets in the same manner, is a DataFrame. There is no clear convention what column of the table denotes the targets; it depends on the data set. As such, we require a data-specific target-extraction-function. Consider the following example using a toy DataFrame (see Example: DataFrames.jl to make the following code work). For this particular data frame we know that the column :y contains the targets.

julia> df = DataFrame(x1 = rand(5), x2 = rand(5), y = [:a,:a,:b,:a,:b])
5×3 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ x1        │ x2       │ y │
│ 1   │ 0.176654  │ 0.821837 │ a │
│ 2   │ 0.0397664 │ 0.894399 │ a │
│ 3   │ 0.390938  │ 0.29062  │ b │
│ 4   │ 0.582912  │ 0.509047 │ a │
│ 5   │ 0.407289  │ 0.113006 │ b │

julia> targets(row->row.y, df)
5-element Array{Symbol,1}:

Another use-case for specifying an extraction function, is to discretize some continuous regression targets. We will see later, when we start discussing higher-level functions, how this can be useful in order to over- or under-sample the data set (see oversample() or undersample()).

julia> targets(x -> (x > 0.7), rand(6))
6-element Array{Bool,1}:

Note that if this optional first parameter (i.e. the extraction function) is passed to targets(), it will always be applied to the observations, and not the container. In other words, the first parameter is applied to each observation individually and not to the data as a whole. In general this means that the return type changes drastically, even if passing a no-op function.

julia> X = rand(2, 3)
2×3 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.105307   0.58033   0.724643
 0.0433558  0.116124  0.89431

julia> y = [1 3 5; 2 4 6]
2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  3  5
 2  4  6

julia> targets((X,y))
2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  3  5
 2  4  6

julia> targets(x->x, (X,y))
3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:

We can see in the above example, that the default assumption for an Array of higher order is that the last array dimension enumerates the observations. The optional parameter obsdim can be used to explicitly overwrite that default. If the concept of an observation dimension is not defined for the type of data, then obsdim can simply be omitted.

julia> X = [1 0; 0 1; 1 0]
3×2 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  0
 0  1
 1  0

julia> targets(argmax, X, obsdim=1)
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> targets(argmax, X, ObsDim.First())
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

Note how obsdim can either be provided using type-stable positional arguments from the namespace ObsDim, or by using a more flexible and convenient keyword argument. See Observation Dimension for more information on that topic.

Iterate over Targets

In some situations, one only wants to iterate over the targets, instead of querying all of them at once. In those scenarios it would be beneficial to avoid the allocation temporary memory all together. To that end we provide the function eachtarget(), which returns a Base.Generator.

eachtarget([fun, ]data[, obsdim]) → Generator

Return a Base.Generator that iterates over all targets in data once and in the right order. If fun is provided it will be applied to each observation in data.

  • fun

    Optional. A callable object (usually a function) that should be applied to each observation individually in order to extract or compute the target for that observation.

  • data – The object representing a labeled data container.
  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.

The function eachtarget() behaves very similar to targets(). For example, if you pass it a Tuple of data container, then it will assume that the last tuple element contains the targets.

julia> iter = eachtarget(([1,2], [3,4]))

julia> collect(iter)
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

The one big difference to targets() is that eachtarget() will always iterate over the targets one observation at a time, regardless whether or not an extraction function is provided.

julia> iter = eachtarget([1 3 5; 2 4 6])

julia> collect(iter)
3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:

julia> targets([1 3 5; 2 4 6]) # as comparison
2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  3  5
 2  4  6

Of course, it is also possible to work with any other type of data source that is considered a Data Container. Consider the following example using a toy DataFrame (see Example: DataFrames.jl to make the following code work). For this particular data frame we will assume that the column :y contains the targets.

julia> df = DataFrame(x1 = rand(5), x2 = rand(5), y = [:a,:a,:b,:a,:b])
5×3 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ x1        │ x2       │ y │
│ 1   │ 0.176654  │ 0.821837 │ a │
│ 2   │ 0.0397664 │ 0.894399 │ a │
│ 3   │ 0.390938  │ 0.29062  │ b │
│ 4   │ 0.582912  │ 0.509047 │ a │
│ 5   │ 0.407289  │ 0.113006 │ b │

julia> iter = eachtarget(row->row.y, df)

julia> collect(iter)
5-element Array{Symbol,1}:

Just like for targets(), the optional parameter obsdim can be used to specify which dimension denotes the observations, if that concept makes sense for the type of the given data.

julia> X = [1 0; 0 1; 1 0]
3×2 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  0
 0  1
 1  0

julia> iter = eachtarget(argmax, X, obsdim = 1)

julia> collect(iter)
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

Support for Custom Types

Any labeled data container has the option to customize the behaviour of targets(). The emphasis here is on “option”, because it is not required by the interface itself. Aside from leaving the default behaviour, there are two ways to customize the logic behind targets().

  1. Implement LearnBase.gettargets for the data container type. This will bypasses the function getobs() entirely, which can significantly improve the performance.
  2. Implement LearnBase.gettarget for the observation type, which is applied on the result of getobs(). This is useful when the observation itself contains the target.

Let us consider two example scenarios that benefit from implementing custom methods. The first one for LearnBase.gettargets, and the second one for LearnBase.gettarget. Note again that these functions are internal and only intended to be extended by the user (and not called). A user should not use them directly but instead always call targets() or eachtarget().

Example 1: Custom File-Based Data Source

Let’s say you want to write a custom data container that describes a directory on your hard-drive. Each sub-directory is expected to contain a set of large images that belong to a single class (the directory name). This kind of data container only loads the images itself if they are actually needed (so on getobs()). The targets, however, would technically be available in the memory at all times, since it is part of the metadata.

To “simulate” such a scenario, let us define a dummy type that represents the idea of such a data container for which each observation is expensive to access, but where the corresponding targets are available in some member variable.

using LearnBase

immutable DummyDirImageSource

LearnBase.getobs(::DummyDirImageSource, i) = error("expensive computation triggered")

StatsBase.nobs(data::DummyDirImageSource) = length(data.targets)

Naturally, we would like to avoid calling getobs() if at all possible. While we can’t avoid calling getobs() when we actually need the data, we could avoid it when we only require the targets (for example for data partitioning or resampling). This is because in this example, the targets are part of the metadata that is always loaded. We can make use of this fact by implementing a custom method for LearnBase.gettargets.

LearnBase.gettargets(data::DummyDirImageSource, i) = data.targets[i]

By defining this method, the function targets() can now query the targets efficiently by looking them up in the member variable. In other words it allows to provide the targets of some observation(s) without ever calling getobs(). This even works seamlessly in combination with datasubset().

julia> source = DummyDirImageSource(["malign", "benign", "benign", "malign", "benign"])

julia> targets(source)
5-element Array{String,1}:

julia> targets(datasubset(source, 3:4))
2-element Array{String,1}:

Note however, that calling targets() with a target-extraction-function will still trigger getobs(). This is expected behaviour, since the extraction function is intended to “extract” the target from each actual observation (i.e. the result of getobs()).

julia> targets(x->x, source)
ERROR: expensive computation triggered

Example 2: Symbol Support for DataFrames.jl

DataFrame are a kind of data container for which the targets are as much part of the data as the features are (in contrast to Example 1). Furthermore, each observation is itself also a DataFrame. Before we start, let us implement the required Data Container interface.

using DataFrames, LearnBase

LearnBase.getobs(df::DataFrame, idx) = df[idx,:]

StatsBase.nobs(df::DataFrame) = nrow(df)

Here we are fine with getobs() being called, since we need to access the actual DataFrame anyway. However, we still need to specify which column actually describes the features. This can be done generically by specifying a target-extraction-function.

julia> df = DataFrame(x1 = rand(5), x2 = rand(5), y = [:a,:a,:b,:a,:b])
5×3 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ x1       │ x2        │ y │
│ 1   │ 0.226582 │ 0.0997825 │ a │
│ 2   │ 0.504629 │ 0.0443222 │ a │
│ 3   │ 0.933372 │ 0.722906  │ b │
│ 4   │ 0.522172 │ 0.812814  │ a │
│ 5   │ 0.505208 │ 0.245457  │ b │

julia> targets(row->row.y, df)
5-element Array{Symbol,1}:

Alternatively, we could also implement a convenience syntax by overloading LearnBase.gettarget.

LearnBase.gettarget(col::Symbol, df::DataFrameRow) = df[col]

This now allows us to call targets(:y, dataframe). While not strictly necessary in this case, it can be quite useful for special types of observations, such as ImageMeta.

julia> targets(:y, df)
5-element Array{Symbol,1}:

We could even implement the default assumption, that the last column denotes the targets unless otherwise specified.

LearnBase.gettarget(df::DataFrameRow) = df[end]

Note that this might not be a good idea for a DataFrame in particular. The purpose of this exercise is solely to show what is possible.

julia> targets(df)
5-element Array{Symbol,1}:

Stratified Sampling

In a supervised learning scenario, in which we are usually confronted with a labeled data set, we have to be considerate of the distribution of the targets. That is, how likely is it to observe some given target-value (e.g. an observation labeled “malignant”) without conditioning on the features.

It is important to be aware of the class distribution for a couple of different reason, one of which is data partitioning. Usually a good idea is to make sure that we actively try to preserve the class distribution for every data subset. This will help to make sure that the data subsets are similar in structure and more likely to be representative of the full data set.

Consider the following target vector y. Note how there are only two elements of value :b. If we just use random assignment to partition the data set, then chances are that in some cases one subset does not contain any element of value b. This kind of effect becomes less frequent as the size of the data set increases.

julia> y = [:a, :a, :a, :a, :b, :b];

julia> splitobs(shuffleobs(y), 0.5)

To perform partitioning using stratified sampling without replacement, this package provides the function stratifiedobs().

stratifiedobs([fun, ]data[, p][, shuffle][, obsdim])

Partition the data into multiple disjoint subsets proportional to the value(s) of p. The observations are assignmed to a data subset using stratified sampling without replacement. These subsets are then returned as a Tuple of subsets, where the first element contains the fraction of observations of data that is specified by the first float in p.

  • fun

    Optional. A callable object (usually a function) that should be applied to each observation individually in order to extract or compute the label for that observation.

  • data – The object representing a labeled data container.
  • p

    Optional. The fraction of observations that should be in the first subset. Must be in the interval (0,1). Can be specified as positional or keyword argument, as either a single float or a tuple of floats. Defaults to 0.7 (i.e. 70% of the observations in the first subset).

  • shuffle (bool) –

    Optional. Determines if the resulting data subsets will be shuffled after their creation. If false, then all the observations will be clustered together accoring to their class label in each subset. Note that this has nothing to do with random assignment to some data subset, it only inluences the order of observation in each subset individually. Defaults to true.

  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.

Let’s consider the following toy data vector y, which contains a total of 9 observations. Notice how each value of y is either :a or :b, which means we have a binary classification problem. We can also see that the data set has twice as many observations for :a as it has for :b.

y = [:a, :a, :a, :a, :a, :a, :b, :b, :b]

We have seen before that using splitobs() can result in a partition where one subset contains all the :b, while the other one contains only :a. In contrast to this, stratifiedobs() will try to make sure that both subsets are both appropriately distributed. More concretely, if p is a Float64, then the return-value of stratifiedobs() will be a tuple with two elements (i.e. subsets), in which the first element contains the fraction of observations specified by p and the second element contains the rest. In the following code the first subset train will contain around 70% of the observations and the second subset test the rest.

julia> train, test = stratifiedobs(y, p = 0.7)

julia> test
3-element SubArray{Symbol,1,Array{Symbol,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false}:

Notice how both subsets contain twice as much :a as :b, just like y does. Furthermore, it is worth pointing out how test (and train for that matter) is a SubArray. As such, it is just a view into the corresponding original variable y. The motivation for this behaviour is to avoid data movement until getobs() is called.

Recall how I said explicitly that stratifiedobs() will “try to make sure” that the distribution is preserved. This is because it is not always possible to preserve the class distribution. If that is the case, the function will try to have each subset contain at least one of each class, even if that does not reflect the distribution appropriately.

julia> train, test = stratifiedobs(y, p = 0.8)

It is also possible to specify multiple fractions for p. If p is a Tuple of Float64, then additional subsets will be created. This can be useful to create an additional validation set.

julia> train, val, test = stratifiedobs(y, p = (0.3, 0.3))

It is also possible to call stratifiedobs() with multiple data arguments as tuple, which all must have the same number of total observations. Note that if data is a tuple, then it will be assumed that the last element of the tuple contains the targets.

train, test = stratifiedobs((X, y), p = 0.7)
(X_train,y_train), (X_test,y_test) = stratifiedobs((X, y), p = 0.7)

If the type of the data is not sufficient information to be able to extract the targets, one can specify a target-extraction-function fun, that is to be applied to each individual observation. The behaviour when specifying or omitting fun is equivalent to its behaviour for eachtarget(), because that is the function that is used internally by stratifiedobs().

A good example for a type that requires the parameter fun is a DataTable. Consider the following toy data container where we know that the column :y contains the targets (see Example: DataTables.jl to make the following code work).

julia> dt = DataTable(x1 = rand(6), x2 = rand(6), y = [:a,:b,:b,:b,:b,:a])
6×3 DataTables.DataTable
│ Row │ x1        │ x2          │ y  │
│ 1   │ 0.226582  │ 0.0443222   │ :a │
│ 2   │ 0.504629  │ 0.722906    │ :b │
│ 3   │ 0.933372  │ 0.812814    │ :b │
│ 4   │ 0.522172  │ 0.245457    │ :b │
│ 5   │ 0.505208  │ 0.11202     │ :b │
│ 6   │ 0.0997825 │ 0.000341996 │ :a │

julia> train, test = stratifiedobs(row->row[1,:y], dt)
(3×3 DataTables.SubDataTable{Array{Int64,1}}
│ Row │ x1        │ x2          │ y  │
│ 1   │ 0.505208  │ 0.11202     │ :b │
│ 2   │ 0.522172  │ 0.245457    │ :b │
│ 3   │ 0.0997825 │ 0.000341996 │ :a │,
3×3 DataTables.SubDataTable{Array{Int64,1}}
│ Row │ x1       │ x2        │ y  │
│ 1   │ 0.226582 │ 0.0443222 │ :a │
│ 2   │ 0.933372 │ 0.812814  │ :b │
│ 3   │ 0.504629 │ 0.722906  │ :b │)

The optional parameter obsdim can be used to specify which dimension denotes the observations, if that concept makes sense for the type of data. For instance, consider the following toy data set where the targets Y are now a one-of-k encoded matrix. In such a case we would like the be able to re-sample without first having to convert Y to a different class-encoding.

# 2 imbalanced classes in one-of-k encoding
julia> Y = [1 0; 1 0; 1 0; 1 0; 0 1; 0 1]
6×2 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  0
 1  0
 1  0
 1  0
 0  1
 0  1

Here we could use the function argmax to discretize the individual target vectors on the fly. Remember that the target-extraction-function is applied on each individual observation in Y. Since Y is a matrix, each observation is a vector slice. Here we use obsdim to specify that each row is an observation.

julia> train, test = stratifiedobs(argmax, X, p = 0.5, obsdim = 1)
([1 0; 1 0; 0 1], [0 1; 1 0; 1 0])

Under- and Over-Sampling

It is not uncommon in a classification setting, that we find ourselves working with an imbalanced data set. We call a labeled data set imbalanced, if it contains more observations of some class(es) than for the other(s). Training on such a data set can pose a significant challenge for many commonly used algorithms; especially if the difference in the class frequency is large.

There are different conceptual approaches for dealing with imbalanced data. A quite simple but popular strategy that works for data containers, is to either under- or over-sample it according to the class distribution. What that means is that the data container is re-sampled in such a way, that the class distribution in the resulting data container is approximately uniform.

This package provides two functions to re-sample an imbalanced data container; the first of which is called undersample(). When under-sampling a data container, it will be down-sampled in such a way, that each class has about as many observations in the resulting subset, as the least represented class has in the original data container.

undersample([fun, ]data[, shuffle][, obsdim])

Generate a class-balanced version of data by down-sampling its observations in such a way that the resulting number of observations will be the same number for every class. This way, all classes will have as many observations in the resulting data subset as the smallest class has in the given (i.e. original) data container.

  • fun

    Optional. A callable object (usually a function) that should be applied to each observation individually in order to extract or compute the label for that observation.

  • data – The object representing a labeled data container.
  • shuffle (bool) –

    Optional. Determines if the resulting data will be shuffled after its creation. If false, then all the observations will be in their original order. Defaults to false.

  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.


A down-sampled but class-balanced version of data in the form of a lazy data subset. No data is copied until getobs() is called.

Let’s consider the following toy data set, which consists of a feature matrix X and a corresponding target vector y. Both variables are data containers with 6 observations.

julia> X = rand(2, 6)
2×6 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.226582  0.933372  0.505208   0.0443222  0.812814  0.11202
 0.504629  0.522172  0.0997825  0.722906   0.245457  0.000341996

julia> y = ["a", "b", "b", "b", "b", "a"]
6-element Array{String,1}:

As we can see, the target of each observation is either "a" or "b", which means we have a binary classification problem. We can also see that the data set has twice as many observations for "b" as it has for "a". Thus we consider it imbalanced.

We can down-sample our toy data set by passing it to undersample(). In order to tell the function that these two data containers should be treated as a one data set, we have to group them together using a Tuple. This will cause undersample() to return a Tuple of equal length and ordering.

julia> X_bal, y_bal = undersample((X, y));

julia> X_bal
2×4 SubArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Array{Int64,1}},false}:
 0.226582  0.933372  0.0443222  0.11202
 0.504629  0.522172  0.722906   0.000341996

julia> y_bal
4-element SubArray{String,1,Array{String,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false}:

Note two things in the code above.

  1. Both, X_bal and y_bal, are of type SubArray. As such, they are just views into the corresponding original variable X or y. The motivation for this behaviour is to avoid data movement until getobs() is called.
  2. The order of the observations in the resulting data subsets is the same as in the original data containers. This is no accident. If that behaviour is undesired, you can pass shuffle = true to the function.

If the type of the data is not sufficient information to be able to extract the targets, one can specify a target-extraction-function fun, that is to be applied to each individual observation. The behaviour when specifying or omitting fun is equivalent to its behaviour for eachtarget(), because that is the function that is used internally by undersample().

A good example for a type that requires the parameter fun is a DataTable. Consider the following toy data container where we know that the column :y contains the targets (see Example: DataTables.jl to make the following code work).

julia> dt = DataTable(x1 = rand(6), x2 = rand(6), y = [:a,:b,:b,:b,:b,:a])
6×3 DataTables.DataTable
│ Row │ x1        │ x2          │ y  │
│ 1   │ 0.226582  │ 0.0443222   │ :a │
│ 2   │ 0.504629  │ 0.722906    │ :b │
│ 3   │ 0.933372  │ 0.812814    │ :b │
│ 4   │ 0.522172  │ 0.245457    │ :b │
│ 5   │ 0.505208  │ 0.11202     │ :b │
│ 6   │ 0.0997825 │ 0.000341996 │ :a │

julia> undersample(row->row[1,:y], dt)
4×3 DataTables.SubDataTable{Array{Int64,1}}
│ Row │ x1        │ x2          │ y  │
│ 1   │ 0.226582  │ 0.0443222   │ :a │
│ 2   │ 0.504629  │ 0.722906    │ :b │
│ 3   │ 0.522172  │ 0.245457    │ :b │
│ 4   │ 0.0997825 │ 0.000341996 │ :a │

Of course, under-sampling the larger classes has the consequence of decreasing the total size of the training set. After all, this approach effectively discards perfectly usable training examples for the sake of having a balanced data set. Alternatively, one can also achieve a balanced class distribution by over-sampling the smaller classes instead. To that end, we provide the function oversample(). While this function effectively increases the apparent size of the given data container, it does use the same exact observations multiple times.

oversample([fun, ]data[, fraction][, shuffle][, obsdim])

Generate a re-balanced version of data by repeatedly sampling existing observations in such a way that every class will have at least fraction times the number observations of the largest class. This way, all classes will have a minimum number of observations in the resulting data set relative to what largest class has in the given (i.e. original) data.

  • fun

    Optional. A callable object (usually a function) that should be applied to each observation individually in order to extract or compute the label for that observation.

  • data – The object representing a labeled data container.
  • fraction (Real) –

    Optional. Minimum number of observations (as a fraction relative to the largest class) that every class should have. Defaults to 1, which implies completely balanced.

  • shuffle (bool) –

    Optional. Determines if the resulting data will be shuffled after its creation. If false, then all the repeated samples will be together at the end, sorted by class. Defaults to true.

  • obsdim

    Optional. If it makes sense for the type of data, then obsdim can be used to specify which dimension of data denotes the observations. It can be specified in a type-stable manner as a positional argument, or as a more convenient keyword parameter. See Observation Dimension for more information.


An up-sampled version of data in the form of a lazy data subset. No data is copied until getobs() is called.

Let us again consider the toy data set from before, which consists of a feature matrix X and a corresponding target vector y. Both variables are data containers with 6 observations.

julia> X = rand(2, 6)
2×6 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.226582  0.933372  0.505208   0.0443222  0.812814  0.11202
 0.504629  0.522172  0.0997825  0.722906   0.245457  0.000341996

julia> y = ["a", "b", "b", "b", "b", "a"]
6-element Array{String,1}:

We previously “balanced” this data set by down-sampling it. To show you an alternative, we can also up-sample it by repeating observations for the under-represented class a. You may notice that this time the order of the observations will not be preserved; it will even be shuffled. If that behaviour is undesired, you can specify shuffle = false.

julia> X_bal, y_bal = oversample((X, y));

julia> X_bal
2×8 SubArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Array{Int64,1}},false}:
 0.11202      0.812814  0.226582  0.11202      0.933372 0.0443222  0.226582  0.505208
 0.000341996  0.245457  0.504629  0.000341996  0.522172 0.722906   0.504629  0.0997825

julia> y_bal
8-element SubArray{String,1,Array{String,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false}:

Similar to undersample() it is also possible to specify a target-extraction-function fun, that is to be applied to each observation individually. Consider the following toy DataTable, which we also used as an example data container to demonstrate undersample(). For this particular data table we know that the column :y contains the targets (see Example: DataTables.jl to make the following code work).

julia> dt = DataTable(x1 = rand(6), x2 = rand(6), y = [:a,:b,:b,:b,:b,:a])
6×3 DataTables.DataTable
│ Row │ x1        │ x2          │ y  │
│ 1   │ 0.226582  │ 0.0443222   │ :a │
│ 2   │ 0.504629  │ 0.722906    │ :b │
│ 3   │ 0.933372  │ 0.812814    │ :b │
│ 4   │ 0.522172  │ 0.245457    │ :b │
│ 5   │ 0.505208  │ 0.11202     │ :b │
│ 6   │ 0.0997825 │ 0.000341996 │ :a │

julia> oversample(row->row[1,:y], dt)
8×3 DataTables.SubDataTable{Array{Int64,1}}
│ Row │ x1        │ x2          │ y  │
│ 1   │ 0.226582  │ 0.0443222   │ :a │
│ 2   │ 0.505208  │ 0.11202     │ :b │
│ 3   │ 0.0997825 │ 0.000341996 │ :a │
│ 4   │ 0.504629  │ 0.722906    │ :b │
│ 5   │ 0.933372  │ 0.812814    │ :b │
│ 6   │ 0.226582  │ 0.0443222   │ :a │
│ 7   │ 0.0997825 │ 0.000341996 │ :a │
│ 8   │ 0.522172  │ 0.245457    │ :b │

While primarily intended for data container types, such as DataTable, it is also useful for discretizing continuous regression targets. Let’s say you have a regression problem, where you know that you have a small but important cluster of observations with a particularly low target value. Given that this cluster is under-represented, it could very well cause a model to neglect those observations in order to improve its performance on the rest of the data.

julia> X = rand(2, 6)
2×6 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.226582  0.933372  0.505208   0.0443222  0.812814  0.11202
 0.504629  0.522172  0.0997825  0.722906   0.245457  0.000341996

julia> y = [0.1, 0.95, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 0.11];

As can be seen in the code above, most observations have a target value around 1, while just a small group of observations have a target value around 0.1. In such a situation, you could use the parameter fun to categorize the targets in such a way, that will cause the under-represented “category” to be up-sampled (or down-sampled) accordingly.

julia> X_bal, y_bal = oversample(yi -> yi > 0.2, (X, y));

julia> y_bal
8-element SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false}:

While the above example is a bit arbitrary, it highlights the possibility that the functions undersample() and oversample() can also be used to re-sample data container with continuous targets.

A more common scenario would be when working with targets in the form of a Matrix. For instance, consider the following toy data set where the targets Y are now a one-of-k encoded matrix. In such a case we would like the be able to re-sample without first having to convert Y to a different class-encoding.

julia> X = rand(2, 6)
2×6 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.226582  0.933372  0.505208   0.0443222  0.812814  0.11202
 0.504629  0.522172  0.0997825  0.722906   0.245457  0.000341996

julia> Y = [1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.; 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0.]
2×6 Array{Float64,2}:
 1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0
 0.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0

Here we could use the function argmax to discretize the individual target vectors on the fly. Remember that the target-extraction-function is applied on each individual observation in Y. Since Y is a matrix, each observation is a vector slice.

julia> X_bal, Y_bal = oversample(argmax, (X, Y));

julia> X_bal
2×8 SubArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Array{Int64,1}},false}:
 0.226582  0.11202      0.11202      0.505208   0.226582  0.0443222  0.933372  0.812814
 0.504629  0.000341996  0.000341996  0.0997825  0.504629  0.722906   0.522172  0.245457

julia> Y_bal
2×8 SubArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Array{Int64,1}},false}:
 1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0  0.0  1.0  1.0  1.0